high school rants (my first offensive post)
high school life is freaking OVER! i get so irritated by people who keep wishing they want to 're-live' the high school experience (what are they pathetic people with no lives or no college to look forward to?). i concede that hs life was good, yes, indeed. however, there were also those bad moments. moments were we showed our insecure, insensitive, and immature sides due to our youthfulness. do we really want to go through all these teenage drama again? i would say NO! so, please be mature enough and start thinking about the future.
i'm also irritated about the farewell party by 4318 and the reunion of 3429. first, the farewell. aren't the sobs, the hugs, the kisses during graduation ENOUGH? do we really need to take time off just to go to that ecopark place? POINTLESS (admit it). honestly, we were pseudo-randomly chosen to be in one class. and admit it or not, whatever class we go to, it would be the same. it's up to US not up to the CLASS on how we live our lives. just grow up. the farewell party was a very IDIOTIC idea to begin with. i totally opposed it during the first meeting - which, by the way, hardly anyone really paid attention to. o, and for crying out loud, granting without conceding that there is a 'point' to all these formalities in goodbye parties, what in gods name could we possibly do in 2 hours??!! half the time would be spent in waiting for LATECOMERS! i have no idea how the party went on, nor do i frankly care, but i guess it was a TOTAL FAILURE.
on the 3429 reunion - what the hell was that about? we see each other EVERYDAY. except for our moderator - but would it have been different if he were in naga? not really. what's the point (the eternal question). would we gain anything by attending. o yes i want to comment about people stating that the 3429 is the best lg they ever had - that's a bunch of bull. what difference does an lg make? for crying out loud, i hated a lot of stuff about the lg - inconsiderate IRRELEVANT PROJECTS IN FILIPINO to start of. and plus, the contributions were totally OUT OF BOUNDS. we still have to contribute to buy a gift for the moderator? what is THAT about?
'class motivations'. my seatmate once commented after our retreat (wherein everyone was silent and well-behaved) that the class 'had no life'. i wanted to scream at her, for pete's sake. what did she want - a very noisy class?! honestly, it was only the day after the retreat that i felt at peace - no noise, finally. no exaggerated sounds. no unnecessary comments. and yet she's COMPLAINING?!!
graduation - i tried to cry during graduation. i tried to get the 'feeling' of sadness and of 'loneliness'. but frankly speaking i can't. i felt more than happy to leave - i'm going, after all, to the TOP UNIVERSITY IN THE PHILIPPINES. yes, goodbyes may be sad - but then again, i am going away. plus, i never really looked forward to grad day - i was, no, i AM, more excited about college.
barangay awards - my mom coined this term during my aunt's son's graduation. basically it means that ateneo de naga awards are given to 'one barangay'. reason : low standards. for crying out loud, an 83 is given an award?! (unbeggetting the fact that in the fourth quarter all my grades were 90 +). in essence, the reason that the admin wants to give 'second honors' is simply to please the parents. dear schoolmates, don't delude yourselves. getting second honors is just...well...useless. it's not an honor.
oversentimentalisation with koreanovelas. whenever i sit down for lunch at our lunch table, and whenever THEY discuss that ridiculous show PRINCESS HOURS, my mind automatically turns itself off. what in heaven's name could they get out of THAT show? i actually even lowered my pride into watching one episode, however after the opening segment, i really couldn't bear it. i had to turn the tv off. do they know that they are now the 'bakya' of the society? why can't they have a little bit of class? waht lessons could you possibly get from that show? if they want to look at cute guys, for crying out loud, there's PORN!
letters. one of my classmates has an OBSESSION with making letters. perhaps to a certain extent they're reasonable. however, they're starting to become annoying. teacher's day, she asked us to write in her paper letters to teachers. perhaps, understandable. graduation, she asked us to write them lettters AGAIN. (one month has passed after teachers day to graduation). not really reasonable. however, the final straw was when i saw her forcing people to write letter to the PRINCIPAL! and i point-blank refused to write. honestly, where will she stop? if she asked me to write letters for the ARS Personnel, i probably wouldn't have been surprised. i almost shouted at her, what the hell's the point of this. i think she's just oversentimentalizing our leaving the ateneo.
how i hate triumph. first of all, i have a medical certificate. this medical certificate excempts me from 'physical labor' especially from CAT drills. now, there was this one thursday, that those wiseguys from triumph wanted us to pose in the field forming AMDG. (cat corp commander abused his power ONCE AGAIN). first, what authority does triumph have over us? i felt like a total fool, blistering under the heat of the sun, standing at one of the legs of 'M'. i wanted to shout at those buffoons - couldn't they have at least excused those with medical certificates? i don't even plan on getting my yearbook. the theme totally sucks by the way - i mean, music? honestly. nature's bounty would have been the obvious choice.
monica and i (and probably the rest of the ateneo batch 07) hate that ugly black guy (really sorry for being racist). i hate him! i hope you know whom i mean. he's pathetically sad. and he has no life. he thinks he's so cool, with his CORNY jokes, and blabbering comments, yet he's just a jealous simpleton with no hopes of ever rising up from being one of the many mediocre people of the philippines. and i hope he dies alone from bone cancer. (rightnow). i pity obsequio who has to sit beside him and endure his stupidity. that black guy doesn't deserve to graduate - he doesn't even deserve to go to school. he should go to the mountains and farm! then, his life could be productive!
now, this was the real reason why i posted this blog (the thing that really bugged me) :
i am totally offended that people favor the salutatorian over the valedictorian. frankly, i think the decision was fair and good. please dont think that the students awards committee is DUMB! they've been doing their job for many years. if YOU think you're better than them, then make up your own set of rules.
academically wise, the salu had an edge over the vale. but that edge was marginal. however, note that being the vale encompasses all achievements you've made - after all, extra & co - corricular activities DO count. and you're stupid when you think that those things don't count . (yes, stupid). ateneo de naga doesn't promote nerdship - sitting aroudn reading books while not getting involve.
so, therefore the vale desrves his position. after all, he is a top editor, a top debater, a heavily spiritual person. and the salu is...uhmm...also an editor. (but in totally different position)
something that joe (the salu) said offended me. in the triumph's computer, only joshua (the vale) knows the password. so one day joe and some other guys (me included) were at the triumph office trying to get into the computer. now, one of joe's friends jokingly commented that the password to the computer was 'valedictorian' (the awards weren't announced yet). however, joe arrogantly said 'asa man xia' (in english : he wish). isn't that too pig-headed of him (after promising in the retreat that he would be humble). and see - joshua DID get the valedictorian position. omg, that's such a slap in the face isn't it?
now, i also find annoying the pseudo-die hard fans of the salu. for crying out loud, they are starting to exaggerate - if they are freaking jealous of the position of vale & salu here are the GUARANTEED WAYS TO MAKE IT TO THE TOP SPOTS IN THE ATENEO DE NAGA :
1 (be catholic - apparently, religion is screened. yes, jonjon became salu, but he's jonjon) 2 (comply with ridiculous requirements. yes, you have to LOWER YOUR PRIDE into doing stuff which you are against. talk about math classes which require penafrancia festival drawings. talk about economics classes which require you to dance. talk about physics classes which require you to make timelines of your lives) 3 (be popular. and what other way to be popular than to join the 'elite' orgs of adnu - the ds (rise to the top - but no one knows what we're doing. admit it fellow ds-members. we're TOO elite), the dwtl (which has become a more 'political' org), the triumph (which all fourthyear honors class students are dying to be members off), the b&g (see your name in print!) and the varsity (yes, although most players are dumb)) 4 (join stuff. everything counts. so in pistaym, join the events you are CERTAIN you'll win.) there are more but i'm too lazy..
back to joe's fans. is it normal for a person that upon hearing that he has a scholarship is whooping with joy? that's a little scary. i mean she was so happy you'd think SHE got the scholarship. i just don't get it. i mean i was happy for him (he did deserve the scholarship), but i wasn't whooping for joy. and this girl kept defending him. she even was DEMANING Joshua for cs. she was even publicly declaring that 'he is the most handsome person'. that's being a DESPERATE FANATIC
joshua deserves it. period.
final note :
it seems that ateneo's standards are horrible pathetic. they got their priorities wrong.
i mean in their standard of teaching.
why do they allow projects not related to the lesson?
why do they give so much extra-curricular activities that we are not focusing on the curricular?
admit it - i am afraid, that since i am studying in the philippine's premier university, i am SOOO DUMB because i studied in ateneo de naga. sometimes i wish i didn't leave saint joseph - at least there, studies were focused on. i am so dumb - i feel i learned nothing. up to now, i still am ignorant about biology. in chem, all i know is how to manipulate the formula - principles i have none. in filipino, i didn't even read noli me tangere. and our religion subject is a joke - imagine a morals class, with a politically and socially biased teacher.
sometimes, i just regret it.