Saturday, March 31, 2007
i heart avan, i heart avan, i heart avan!!!
for those of you who don't know me that much, avan *was* my crush last year. he was one of our boarders in the boardinghouse. that year, he was a freshman in the ateneo de naga university college and his course was information management. i really dont know if he changed/shifted course. nweiz, he's from daet
anyway, he was our ex-boarder. and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! (mayee disagrees though)
i heart avan!!!
okay i'll tell our 'sad' story :
well, it all started the day WE moved into the boardinghouse. well, dear readers, knowing the overtly-shy Rye-Rye, i was silent and just 'a figure in the background.' now, our first night there, i was waiting for one of our boarders (ram-ram who had his acquaintance party at lolo's bar) to return home since i will open the door. and while waiting, i was watching tv. i was then joined by kuya dim (he's pseudo-old - he's no longer a student, rather he's a digitel worker), alwyn ( :) different post for different day) and of course AVAN ^_^
avan was the quiet type of person (in perfect contrast to alwyn and kuya dim's friendly and noisy aura) and i was pseudo-drawn to him.
i was not really paying attention to his features THAT night. now, the next day, i was roaming around the boardinghouse getting the cellphone numbers of our boarders, and luck chanced that i got avan's phone number. it was sun cellular. (in a few weeks, i bought a sun sim). hmmm, o yeah, that day was a SUNDAY - and since most of our boarders are catholic (with the exception of rollie), and since most catholics are HYPOCRITES they actually go to mass on sunday (yes, even without people telling them to - talk about having no life.) albert was rushing and he was just running around in his jogging pants and socks (yup topless - although rollie had an interesting point to add about avan - accdg to rollie, albert's ribs are showing - meaning that he's uber slim. however, avan HAS baby fat. how can a person with baby fat have traced ribs?) HE WAS HOT THOUGH.
now, walking to my room, i normally pass through the hottie's room. (my pseudonym for the room of rollie, avan and jomar - wonder why?! sarcastic smile. although i wish that ryner and aundrew 'crammed' into that room. imagine sweaty bodies piling upon each other! male bodies writhing from overcrowding. o and they sleep naked - just kidding although that's one of my fantasies) nweiz, i came across underwear hanging around their room. that's nice
however, bad bad bad. after one week in the boardinghouse, avan suddenly announced that he would be moving (crapzallion) i was crushed. i wanted to break down and cry. not that we were close - the occasional 'hi' in the corridor was the extent of our 'relationship' THEN. okay, so he left. but he left a few things behind - his underwear for instance (tnx 2 alwyn for pointing it out ^_^)
okay, so that was that...i hardly saw him. he visited. like that timewe had ur acquaintance party (three weeks after we arrived and after kicking out 3 boarders). he was there and he helped prepare food. i even took pics (too lazy 2 upload)
hmmm, what else? o yes, my mom's bday. he was actually invited. and he sat beside me!! (AAAH!) i remember i had glitters on (experimenting ^_^ ) okay, now after the main eating session, albert and i went to our own table and really bonded for a bit for the pseudo-fun part
i bought a sun sim as i previously said. and NO ONE knew the number! only avan - it was exclusive! hmmm i texted avan using the pseudonym SOFIA LAZARO (digress : 'SOFIA' is pronounced as 'SOWFYA' not as 'SOFIYA' nor 'SOWFI' nor 'SOFYA'). he actually got the bait. so i seduced him in the cellphone. i got to know him more. and he was like this puppy - he wanted to eyeball already. and i was stalling cuz i said i 'wasn't ready'.
now, in his friendster profile, he made statements against 'me'. you know how radical i am in religious matters and he placed there that he is 'steadfast in his faith' and he also mentioned that he doesn't like going out with people he didn't want to go out with......
now let's skip all that crap
rollie and aundrew managed to figure out who my secret textmate was (my only clue was that he wrote in the logbook 36 times). they borrowed my cellphone on the pretext that they will 'play games' only to find out that they stole the number saved there and they figured out it was avan....
now, i felt guilty. avan kept asking me0 (the real)who sofia lazaro was. and one day i just told him. ....
now, i felt so ashamed so i never EVER talked to him again...
until now...
browsing through friendster, i saw his pictures
i got his cp number and i texted him.....
hmmm...wonder where this COULD lead
wish me luck guys
high school rants (my first offensive post)
high school life is freaking OVER! i get so irritated by people who keep wishing they want to 're-live' the high school experience (what are they pathetic people with no lives or no college to look forward to?). i concede that hs life was good, yes, indeed. however, there were also those bad moments. moments were we showed our insecure, insensitive, and immature sides due to our youthfulness. do we really want to go through all these teenage drama again? i would say NO! so, please be mature enough and start thinking about the future.
i'm also irritated about the farewell party by 4318 and the reunion of 3429. first, the farewell. aren't the sobs, the hugs, the kisses during graduation ENOUGH? do we really need to take time off just to go to that ecopark place? POINTLESS (admit it). honestly, we were pseudo-randomly chosen to be in one class. and admit it or not, whatever class we go to, it would be the same. it's up to US not up to the CLASS on how we live our lives. just grow up. the farewell party was a very IDIOTIC idea to begin with. i totally opposed it during the first meeting - which, by the way, hardly anyone really paid attention to. o, and for crying out loud, granting without conceding that there is a 'point' to all these formalities in goodbye parties, what in gods name could we possibly do in 2 hours??!! half the time would be spent in waiting for LATECOMERS! i have no idea how the party went on, nor do i frankly care, but i guess it was a TOTAL FAILURE.
on the 3429 reunion - what the hell was that about? we see each other EVERYDAY. except for our moderator - but would it have been different if he were in naga? not really. what's the point (the eternal question). would we gain anything by attending. o yes i want to comment about people stating that the 3429 is the best lg they ever had - that's a bunch of bull. what difference does an lg make? for crying out loud, i hated a lot of stuff about the lg - inconsiderate IRRELEVANT PROJECTS IN FILIPINO to start of. and plus, the contributions were totally OUT OF BOUNDS. we still have to contribute to buy a gift for the moderator? what is THAT about?
'class motivations'. my seatmate once commented after our retreat (wherein everyone was silent and well-behaved) that the class 'had no life'. i wanted to scream at her, for pete's sake. what did she want - a very noisy class?! honestly, it was only the day after the retreat that i felt at peace - no noise, finally. no exaggerated sounds. no unnecessary comments. and yet she's COMPLAINING?!!
graduation - i tried to cry during graduation. i tried to get the 'feeling' of sadness and of 'loneliness'. but frankly speaking i can't. i felt more than happy to leave - i'm going, after all, to the TOP UNIVERSITY IN THE PHILIPPINES. yes, goodbyes may be sad - but then again, i am going away. plus, i never really looked forward to grad day - i was, no, i AM, more excited about college.
barangay awards - my mom coined this term during my aunt's son's graduation. basically it means that ateneo de naga awards are given to 'one barangay'. reason : low standards. for crying out loud, an 83 is given an award?! (unbeggetting the fact that in the fourth quarter all my grades were 90 +). in essence, the reason that the admin wants to give 'second honors' is simply to please the parents. dear schoolmates, don't delude yourselves. getting second honors is just...well...useless. it's not an honor.
oversentimentalisation with koreanovelas. whenever i sit down for lunch at our lunch table, and whenever THEY discuss that ridiculous show PRINCESS HOURS, my mind automatically turns itself off. what in heaven's name could they get out of THAT show? i actually even lowered my pride into watching one episode, however after the opening segment, i really couldn't bear it. i had to turn the tv off. do they know that they are now the 'bakya' of the society? why can't they have a little bit of class? waht lessons could you possibly get from that show? if they want to look at cute guys, for crying out loud, there's PORN!
letters. one of my classmates has an OBSESSION with making letters. perhaps to a certain extent they're reasonable. however, they're starting to become annoying. teacher's day, she asked us to write in her paper letters to teachers. perhaps, understandable. graduation, she asked us to write them lettters AGAIN. (one month has passed after teachers day to graduation). not really reasonable. however, the final straw was when i saw her forcing people to write letter to the PRINCIPAL! and i point-blank refused to write. honestly, where will she stop? if she asked me to write letters for the ARS Personnel, i probably wouldn't have been surprised. i almost shouted at her, what the hell's the point of this. i think she's just oversentimentalizing our leaving the ateneo.
how i hate triumph. first of all, i have a medical certificate. this medical certificate excempts me from 'physical labor' especially from CAT drills. now, there was this one thursday, that those wiseguys from triumph wanted us to pose in the field forming AMDG. (cat corp commander abused his power ONCE AGAIN). first, what authority does triumph have over us? i felt like a total fool, blistering under the heat of the sun, standing at one of the legs of 'M'. i wanted to shout at those buffoons - couldn't they have at least excused those with medical certificates? i don't even plan on getting my yearbook. the theme totally sucks by the way - i mean, music? honestly. nature's bounty would have been the obvious choice.
monica and i (and probably the rest of the ateneo batch 07) hate that ugly black guy (really sorry for being racist). i hate him! i hope you know whom i mean. he's pathetically sad. and he has no life. he thinks he's so cool, with his CORNY jokes, and blabbering comments, yet he's just a jealous simpleton with no hopes of ever rising up from being one of the many mediocre people of the philippines. and i hope he dies alone from bone cancer. (rightnow). i pity obsequio who has to sit beside him and endure his stupidity. that black guy doesn't deserve to graduate - he doesn't even deserve to go to school. he should go to the mountains and farm! then, his life could be productive!
now, this was the real reason why i posted this blog (the thing that really bugged me) :
i am totally offended that people favor the salutatorian over the valedictorian. frankly, i think the decision was fair and good. please dont think that the students awards committee is DUMB! they've been doing their job for many years. if YOU think you're better than them, then make up your own set of rules.
academically wise, the salu had an edge over the vale. but that edge was marginal. however, note that being the vale encompasses all achievements you've made - after all, extra & co - corricular activities DO count. and you're stupid when you think that those things don't count . (yes, stupid). ateneo de naga doesn't promote nerdship - sitting aroudn reading books while not getting involve.
so, therefore the vale desrves his position. after all, he is a top editor, a top debater, a heavily spiritual person. and the salu is...uhmm...also an editor. (but in totally different position)
something that joe (the salu) said offended me. in the triumph's computer, only joshua (the vale) knows the password. so one day joe and some other guys (me included) were at the triumph office trying to get into the computer. now, one of joe's friends jokingly commented that the password to the computer was 'valedictorian' (the awards weren't announced yet). however, joe arrogantly said 'asa man xia' (in english : he wish). isn't that too pig-headed of him (after promising in the retreat that he would be humble). and see - joshua DID get the valedictorian position. omg, that's such a slap in the face isn't it?
now, i also find annoying the pseudo-die hard fans of the salu. for crying out loud, they are starting to exaggerate - if they are freaking jealous of the position of vale & salu here are the GUARANTEED WAYS TO MAKE IT TO THE TOP SPOTS IN THE ATENEO DE NAGA :
1 (be catholic - apparently, religion is screened. yes, jonjon became salu, but he's jonjon) 2 (comply with ridiculous requirements. yes, you have to LOWER YOUR PRIDE into doing stuff which you are against. talk about math classes which require penafrancia festival drawings. talk about economics classes which require you to dance. talk about physics classes which require you to make timelines of your lives) 3 (be popular. and what other way to be popular than to join the 'elite' orgs of adnu - the ds (rise to the top - but no one knows what we're doing. admit it fellow ds-members. we're TOO elite), the dwtl (which has become a more 'political' org), the triumph (which all fourthyear honors class students are dying to be members off), the b&g (see your name in print!) and the varsity (yes, although most players are dumb)) 4 (join stuff. everything counts. so in pistaym, join the events you are CERTAIN you'll win.) there are more but i'm too lazy..
back to joe's fans. is it normal for a person that upon hearing that he has a scholarship is whooping with joy? that's a little scary. i mean she was so happy you'd think SHE got the scholarship. i just don't get it. i mean i was happy for him (he did deserve the scholarship), but i wasn't whooping for joy. and this girl kept defending him. she even was DEMANING Joshua for cs. she was even publicly declaring that 'he is the most handsome person'. that's being a DESPERATE FANATIC
joshua deserves it. period.
final note :
it seems that ateneo's standards are horrible pathetic. they got their priorities wrong.
i mean in their standard of teaching.
why do they allow projects not related to the lesson?
why do they give so much extra-curricular activities that we are not focusing on the curricular?
admit it - i am afraid, that since i am studying in the philippine's premier university, i am SOOO DUMB because i studied in ateneo de naga. sometimes i wish i didn't leave saint joseph - at least there, studies were focused on. i am so dumb - i feel i learned nothing. up to now, i still am ignorant about biology. in chem, all i know is how to manipulate the formula - principles i have none. in filipino, i didn't even read noli me tangere. and our religion subject is a joke - imagine a morals class, with a politically and socially biased teacher.
sometimes, i just regret it.
food food food food food
sometimes i feel that my stomach is a bottomless vacuum
that hardly anything could fill.
this evening, me and three of my cousins went out and ate stuff
here's what we did
first - in fat joe's (located near molino grill - it IS a part of molino grill).
we all had that cheezy-mushroom-bacon burger. it's composed of two buns, one quarter pounder (?!) of pure beef (?), one slice of cheese, a quantity of mushrooms, and a few slices of bacon. they're crisply made and served within ten minutes.
with each order of burger, there is one side dish of french fries. the french fries in fat joe's is unlike the preseravtived ones in fast food. rather, you can see that they are freshly-made. big and delicious.
we also ordered coke in can
total price : burger + fries = 80 php, coke in can = 20 php
second - beanbag (near fat joe's)
in beanbag, all we did was grab some coffee and go to our third location.
what I ordered : mochaberry java iced coffee
what my two male cousins ordered : mocha java iced coffee
what my female cousin ordered : mango shake
total price : mochaberry java iced coffee : 75 php, mocha java iced coffe : 60 php, mango shake, 35 php
third - shakey's (located in avenue square)
simply put, in avenue square we ordered the 18" grandslam pizza.
it was 12 slices - a combination of four flavors :
pepperoni, friday special, shakey's special, (and something else i forgot)
anyway, i didn't eat the friday special - (ewe, there were SHRIMPS! what kind of jackass puts shrimps in pizza? anyway, begetting the fact that i'm allergic to anything that has water as its primary habitat, it was not good)
what i ate : one slice of pepperoni, one slice of shakey's special, one slice of the one i forgot (total : 3 slices)
what my elder male cousin ate : one slice of pepperoni, one slice of shakey's special (total : 2 slices)
what my younger male cousin ate : one slice of pepperoni, one slice of the one i forgot (total : 2 slices)
what my female cousin ate : one slice of shakey's special, one slice of the one i forgot (total : 2 slices)
what we brought home : three slices of friday special (which obviously no one likes)
and there was one free pitcher of iced tea
what my elder male cousin drank : 1 glass
what i drank : 1 1/2 glass
(my younger male cousin and femal cousin didn't drink iced tea)
price of grand slam : 575 php
(575 / 12) x 3 = 575 / 4 = 143.75 php (for me - assuming that the iced tea was 'free')
so totally how much money was spent on MY food
80 + 20 + 75 + 143.75 = 175.75 + 143 = 318.75 php!!!
imagine those people who go hungry!!
and i still wanted to buy MOJOS!!!
Friday, March 30, 2007
i just killed our cat
(accidentally of course)
it happened like this :
me and my cousins were skateboarding out front. our kitten was walking around aimlessly. (talk about curious as a cat). now, i was skateboarding, and my cousin RUDELY grabbed the skateboard from me. obviously i retaliated by grabbing it back. however, while grabbing it back, i inadvertently stepped on the kitty
i thought at first it was mild. but then she started pseudospittingblood! i was horrified
i ran back inside the house tearful and my cousin followed me. when i got to the house, i turned around and confronted her, shouting that she's the one to blame for it all......
this is so difficult
plus, in a few minutes, me and my other cousins are going to fat joe's and beanbag. should i still go with them? should i observe a 'mourning period'? after all, what if while i'm eating a burger, that kitten's face goes to mind? omg, i feel so guilty
i feel so guilty
but i know it's my cousin's fault.
she's rude you know
Thursday, March 29, 2007
so this is what it feels like to have a 'blog'
in my previous blog, all i did was to get a specific love topic and discuss it
i find this kind of blog better
1 - finally learned how to use the skateboard! i mean, not so well. but i'm now able to TOTALLY balance (three cheers for me!) next stop - TRICKS
2 - have you eaten at 'fat joe's'? i tell you, it is SOOOO great. it's like little drops of heaven. o, who am i kidding? it's BIG drops of heaven. THEY'RE SO FULLING! I TOTALLY GOT FILLED! (and if you know me, that's an achievement). the burgers are BIG! BIG! BIG! and they're delicious! and it's cheap too!
plus, one more thing. in fat joe's they can make 5 GIANT burgers in 10 minutes (less than i guess). but in stupid burger machine, i have to wait like 20 minutes for one stupid burger! talk about efficiency.
3 - ho kien. (not sure of spelling). during my graduation and my cousin's graduation (two seperate events), we went to ho kien. it's a pseudochinese restaurant in paseo de caceres. it's somewhat like oyster villa and green plaza. the difference lies in the fact that ho kien is not only cheaper, not only less crowded (due to the fact of poor advertising skills), but it's also more delicious. the mango shakes, chicken, and pata are heaven :)
there's also this 'vegetable' place in town. i haven't entered it yet (like duh!). but according to people, it's great. you may want to try it out.
4 - supernatural. have finally finished the first season. am going to buy the second season perhaps tomorow. also dvd updates : am watching mutant x (season 1) and the oc (season 3). my mom and i are also 'rewatching' desperate housewives (season 3)
5 - my grandmother is starting to get on my nerves, trying to dissuade me to go to up (like she can ever). will make an entire post about her.
6 - i love the sauna. it's hot and sweat and sensual. practically, all i do is sit around reading magz and playing sudoku on my cellphone, while the hot steam is making me sweat. all the time i'm wishing a boy were with me there :)
7 - upd updates. stfap scholarships are now available online. i don't know if i want to apply. imagine the tediousness of getting it notarized and photocopying bills!
i just lbc-ed my aunt my dorm application. she will give to the UP housing board and kalayaan next week. she knows someone in kalayaan, so here's hoping i go there.
(imagine if i go to NARRA! ugh! or any other dorm! but then again, i really won't mind if i get into the heavenly international center)
my mom made me promise not to leave upd campus. like i'll follow her (smirks)
she also wants me to promise not to have a boyfriend :) . (imagine the shock when she makes a surprise visit, and opens my rooms, only to find me groping a boy! - think american pie)
8 - i want to talk about stamps. for some reason, i just wonder. the regular stamp is worth about 8.50 while the special stamp is worth 23 php. (naga to qc). don't you think it means some sort of unfairity.
9 - didn't shop AT ALL this week. my hands are itching for new stuff. will buy at oxygen (yey!) there's a cute salesboy.
10 - tomorow, my eldest cousin is treating me at beanbag and fat joe's. heaven! ^_^ . saturday, my mom and i are gonna watch archie and the multivitamins.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
okay here are a few new things i wanna share :
first, i am SO proud of my sudoku accomplishments! i managed to correctly solve a puzzle marked 'impossible'! and note that among the 150+ who took that puzzle, i belong to the 20 who acutally managed to FINISH IT!
btw, it's not marked impossible for nothing. i think it was marked 'impossible' due to the fact that at one point you have to 'assume' and just hope its correct :D
second, today is the graduation of my cousin. imagine i have to attend! it may be boring! thank god for my cellphone-slash-walkman!! i'll just bring a book to read anyway
third, gym-ing is NOT working. trust me
fourth, I HAVE MANAGED TO DO THAT CROSS-ARMS IN JUMP-ROPE! Three Cheers For Me! and for those who are pseudo-ignorant, cross-arms means that your arms are crossed when you jump. hard to explain.
fifth, not really an update just an observation. i can't believe that the 'trivia' questions in Game KNB is SOOOO easy! literally. i hate that show because it ASSUMES that filipinos are stupid. which may be true, but then again...
sixth, i bought a pirated dvd 9 of celine dion concerts. there was one bonus video of barbra streisand. and my mom literally forced me to watch that concert first. the said concert happened on dec 31 1999 - jan 1 2000. therfore, the breaking of the new millenium concert. btw, there are hardly any songs wherein ms streisand doesn't SHRIEK HER VOICE OUT! but kudos to her, she survived 2 hours of singing! plus, not only was she the singer, she was also the director, scriptwriter, and gown-designer! talk about multi-talented! nweiz, regardless, celine dion is still my favorite. i'm watching (again and again) her music videos. i love her romantic songs
seventh, my mom had sliding doors installed in our house. it looks good, yeah, with capiz. plus it's soooo sexy. can't wait to have a picture taken there
eight, i was canvassing around town for skateboards (will buy one tomorow i guess). i lyk the one in lcc. the ones in robertson and master square suck! plus, the one in robertson was SOOO old! and UGLY AND DUSTY! talk about lack of presentation. i'll still drop by EVER and see if they have good skateboards. but in the meantime i lyk the skateboard in lcc.
o btw, who will teach me how to use it? teehee!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
for some strange, albeit not totally unfathomed reason, i am totally obsessed with skateboarding.
it started this morning when walking around, for some reason i remembered my bike :
(digress : a few months ago, my mom sold my bike. i don't really blame her since the last time i used it was 5 years ago.)
anyway, i was thinking about my bike, when i realized how much money i could save (and save for other stuff) if i would bike around UPD campus
imagine, the buildings are far away from each other. hence, the constant need to keep riding jeepneys
but then i realized, where would i 'park' my bike? so the answer, why not a bike, but a SKATEBOARD?
and, i thought about all those trashers and tony hawk, and i decided : I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!
plus, i really REALLY want to do tricks. that would be SOOOO COOOL!
walking is OVERRATED!
anyway, i'm looking for a good skateboard.
so if anyone wants to give me a gift, you know what to buy!
(o btw, where can i find a good quality, but not overpriced skateboard in naga? and who can teach me how to skateboard?)
okay, here's what I've been doing for the past few days :
i made four blogs (and I plan to add more) :,,
i plan to add more on multiply, opendiary, friendster blog, and myspace but for now four is enough (too much?)
anyway, the posts are practically the same - the main point of having four blogs is so that i can comment :D
aside from making blogs, I am planning to enroll into the program of our gym's sauna services. basically sauna means that i have to be in an incredibly hot place for 30 minutes (doing literally nothing). it's supposed to help me lose weight.
my 3 medals which i got during graduation we had framed. don't ask me why - ask my mom
i have bought new tv serieses : supernatural (read previous post) and mutant x (am i childish?). i haven't even finished watching the oc, grey's anatomy, las vegas, and other serieses i bought.
my mom bought this dvd entitled shortbus. it's full of fullfrontal nudity - both male and female. it also has a lot of sex scenes. the point of the movie (accdg to wikipedia) - by showing a lot of sex, it calls for the acceptance of sex into the society. mostly the sex is GAY sex - there was this scene where three guys were sucking each other off (AAAH!!) anyway, i won't spoil the story - buy it yourself.
sudoku : i can't believe i can't defeat my current highscore! grrR!!! i'm become more stupid everyday!
gym : all i do i skip rope
UP updates :
so the online stfap application has been moved to friday (it was supposed to be last week, then it became yesterday and now its tomorow)
the preregistration of classes is on april 16-25. on the letter, it said march 20. talk about efficiency
student housing : i hope i can get into either the kalayaan or the internation center. so it seems that its the student housing that decides which dorm you get into. i hope it's cheap - need more money. ^_^
pe - still deciding what pe classes to take!!! here are my select options : (cheerdancing, social dancing, fencing, tap dancing, modern dancing, archery and scuba diving)
course - i still hope that before june, they allow me to enter BA BAA. but nevertheless, i may just shift from BA POLSCI after one year
that's all. ^_^ have a nys day guyz
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
anyway, i'm sorry if you're disappointed but i'll keep this brief
mainly, i can only say one thing : YES, we have no assurance that we'll ever find love. HELL, chances are we really probably won't. to find love and to keep love are but ideals.
yet, though we are not assured, we should hold on to one thing. that we actually be one of the few who have found love.
that's the only thing that we should have. for the moment we lose our faith in love, we are no different than the animals (note on bestiality) .
just have faith and believe in yourself. we may NEVER find true love. but we would die happy saying that we never gave up on it.
walking around downtown yesterday, i entered a computer shop inquiring about some random stuff I need for manila (a usb flash drive and a wi-fi router so that my pc could get internet connection in the dorm) and i happened to look at an original copy of windows vista (worth 5000 plus). AND I WANT ONE!!!
after looking at that computer store in e-mall, I rushed off to SOS (a secondhand store) trying to find a pirated version of windows (o come on dont judge me! 5000 for an OS is just too mucH!!) but sadly, the version they also have is original (worth 5000 as well) we bought our windows xp (pirated) from SOS (it was worth 500 php and is running smoothly)
o a note about the computer stuff i also want to buy :
the USB flash drive
i plan to buy the 2 gigabyte one
in ebay thats around 1 thou plus
in e-mall it was 4000
and in sos it was 1450
(conclusion : BUY IN SOS!)
in serinet a usb for wi-fi would cost 2500
in emall a router would cost 2500
in sos, a usb would cost 1500 and a router would also cost 1500
(conclusion : BUY IN SOS!)
a little note : you need EITHER the router or the USB for the desktop PC to have wi-fi. the router is used ONLY for desktops while the USB can be for desktops and laptops. i plan to buy the USB one in SOS
im going to get a new DESKTOP!!! three cheers for me!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
another day has gone by
and rye-rye is still not sleeping
i'm currently watching this tv show entitled SUPERNATURAL
it's actually pretty good. i'm watching it on a pirated dvd.
supernatural is about two brothers, one of them is played by JARED PADALEKI!! (i know he probably means nothing, but in , i saw his pic 2 years ago and GOD HE IS SOOOOOO HOT!! he's also in gilmore girls, and he was cute there, but in supernatural, he's not really THAT cute!)
anyway, those two brothers are 'hunting'. and by hunting i mean they go out and kill evil beings.
this series is actually scary. i asked my friend nina if this series was good and she said kinda-kinda. You should know that in rye-rye talk, good equals FUNNY. and supernatural isn't really that FUNNY
but it's really good, albeit scary. there was this one episode, wherein i actually shreiked! i was alone at the house and this mad doctor came out and i shrieked! SCAAAAAAAAAAARY!
anyway, i actually learn a lot from supernatural. did you know that a white lady is the spirit of a woman whose husband was unfaithful, and due to this, she got insane and murdered her children before committing suicide herself? did you know that a wendigo is a person who, after being a cannibal, got cursed? did you know that the only way to calm a ghost is to find the bones, salt them and burn them?
some episodes are truly scarY!!! but most really deal with psycho-thrillers and suspenses. but they're almost all good.
the latest episode i watch was the first one not dealing with 'supernatural' stuff. rather, it dealt with crazy human beings who get their 'kicks' out of killing people. so they ENJOY killing people.
and there was this episode where this one guy, he's telekinetic!! and that was SOOOOO COOL! I WISH I WERE TELEKINETIC!!!!
well, all morbidity aside, it's really good. i'm addicted to it.
plus, those two brothers are HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Monday, March 19, 2007
first, this post is made due to the 'rise of the multinational ukayukay in naga'. no, just kidding. but really, we can see that in Naga there are so much ukayukay shops. we can not do anything about it - except buy. but, we must take note of a few things.
1 sanitation. whenever we buy clothes - any kind of clothing - WASH IT. Never wear the clothes without washing. that would be eww. Perhaps, it's okay if we wear it for a few seconds, just to see if it fits. After all, it would be a waste. But only for a few seconds! (and take a BATH afterwards) Those things are, after all, a bit dirty. After sitting for a lot of hours and after going through a lot of hands, those clothes aren't really in a ready-to-wear-after-buying condition
2 price. the reason we go to ukayukay is the price. for the price of one t-shirt bought in oxygen, we could probably get around 4 t-shirts from the ukayukay (depending on the quality, of course, and the skill of making tawad) but really. price is definitely low - so this is the place to go especially when money is not that good. however, take note of a few things. the cheapest ukayukay in naga is in the supermarket. (REASON : the shopkeepers pay low rent - come on its the market! Plus, there are a lot of stores in the market, hence competition. and to attract buyers, they need to lower their prices) However, if you don't want to make halukag in the supermarket (and if you're going somewhere fancy after wherein you don't want to smell like fish) you may want to go to those ukayukay stores where presentation is important. one store automatically comes to mind. Shally's store (im not sure if it's spelled properly) which is near bichara is VERY presentable. it looks like a REAL clothing boutique. so many fashionable things (i bought my prada glasses and my reversible bag there -glasses originally for 200, bought for 150 and bag originally for 500 bought at 400) At shally's store, there are a lot of good things. and they look much better at the supermarket simply because they are organized in a very beautiful manner - talk about ukayukay with AIRCONDITIONING! so, if you want to go ukayukaying somewhere fancier than the supermarket, go to places like shally's but expect a higher price range. after all, they spent money on all those manequins. plus shally's place is really full of people.
a tiny note on prices : the TAWAD PRINCIPLE. always make tawad. Prices in ukayukay are negotiable. at times, they are severely overpriced as well. (if you encounter an ukayukay store carrying 'good' stuff but overpricing their merchanidise, LEAVE! there are a lot of ukayukay stores out there. save your money for those!) now, EVERYONE makes tawad (only those who are willing to spend unwisely their money wouldn't) due to this, the shopkeepers automatically raise the price of their products higher than their 'expected' price. (IE : they want to sell a bag for 300 php. but, whenever someone asks for the price of the bag, they would say it's worth 350 php) so, the technique is to lower the price to a range where you think they wouldn't give in. (so for the bag, you call the given 350 bag at 250 - any price offered lower than 250 would make you seem like an idiot) now comes the difficult part - HAGGLING.
here are some things to do when haggling :
A - buy a lot. when you buy a lot, automatically prices drop further. after all, you would be increasing their revenue so they can afford to let a few more pesos go. it's for the greater good.
B - claim a damage. they would sell damaged stuff at a MUCH cheaper rate
C - befriend the owner. my mom's technique (she knows them ALL!)
D - temporarily leave and come back later. this would feign disinterest. hence, the shopkeeper would rather give it away at a low price than be stuck with it.
E - be a suki. they would love to have you come back again and again
F - feign lack of money. obviously.
G - (the most common) - PLEAD. being an incessant annoying nagger would be very beneficial in haggling
Anyway, that's for haggling. Usually, the buyer and seller negotiate a common price. (for the hypothetical bag, the agreed price must be around 275 php - marking the bag down 25 php of its estimated value, yet giving both parties satisfaction of a bargain well done) NB : as a rule of courtesy, the moment both people agreed to a price, you SHOULD get it. If you already agreed on the price, you can't say, Oh, I don't want it. That's just plain rude.
Btw, another note on making Tawad, don't seem too overly interested in the thing. the moment that the shopkeeper notices your keen interest on the item, they will mark the item higher. just feign indifference.
3 pants. just a short note on pants. ALWAYS TRY THEM ON. (good advice for plus-sized people) after all, if it doesn't fit, ukayukay people probably won't exchange them. FIT them on the store. there is however one old wive's tale. holding the pants in front of you, if you can make the pants fit around your neck, it will PROBABLY fit. if the ends can't meet around the neck, it won't fit. and it it's too loose, it's too big for you. however, if you feel that it fits perfectly around the neck, try it on PER SE. you still need to feel it. i know some of you are 'changing room shy' but don't worry. no one will peek. trust me
4 quality. aaaa, the greatest thing to consider when buying clothes - QUALITY
sometimes, we just want a 'rag-tag' cheap old shirt for sleeping. so in that case just buy the cheapest one you see.
however for great quality, we may have to scavenge, my friend.
in ukayukay standards, what are the standards of quality?
A - for the kind of cloth used. look at it. is it still 'firm'? is the cloth still 'intact'? are there any 'holes'? in other words, does the cloth look new and unused? You can tell it. if the cloth is faded, then its probably low quality. however if the cloth is really good, then that's high quality and high priced.
B - for the print and design and cut. if the print is faded than its low quality. plus, (the thing i hate most about ukayukay) if it advertises a specific SCHOOL OR BUSINESS, than that's low quality. what do i mean? there are some ukayukay shirts that have prints on them that show a school (an unheard of school) and some event there. i had a shirt that talked about this 'heart run' that happened in 2000. now those shirts are low class. expect lower price. the good quality shirts have prints that are qualifiable.
C - condition - is it new or worn/torn? how old does it look like? does it look clean?
D - size
now taking all these into consideration, we can now see how good the stuff is. however, the better looking it looks like, expect higher pricing. and the cheaper it looks, the cheaper is the price.
5 timing. there are times, wherein we go out expecting to buy stuff, yet coming home empty handed, since there was nothing available. and there are times, wherein, unexpectantly, we find out that we lack enough money to buy all the great stuff we see.
in other words, timing is everything. new deliveries come every week at around friday or saturday. so if you want to be the first try ukayukaying on those dates. conversely, every thursday, there's hardly anything good since people probably bought those already. so, try finding out exactly what dates the deliveries come in.
and don't expect that inevery delivery, there's something new.
finding exceptional ukayukay finds is really difficult. it depends on a keen eye for quality and good luck in timing.
to close, i would say a few words. there is nothing wrong with ukayukaying. fine, i have clothes from bench and penshoppe, but i also have clothes from the ukay - clothes of good quality yet priced more cheaper.
however, it does take practice. after all, i'm at the ukayukay a lot of times these days looking for clothes to wear going to manila.
ukay-ukay is an art.